Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Faith, Hope and Love ~
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Our Halloween Decorations and I Won a Giveaway!

I wanted to decorate our House for Halloween on the 1st of October. Guess when I actually decorated ~ yes, today the 18th of October is when I finally pulled out our Halloween Decorations. Since I'm rather late with everything ~ I just put a few things out.

Sylvia painted these pumpkins on a "salvaged" board and it looks so cute hanging on one of our doors.

This is Ghostly Mansion and it makes the perfect table centerpiece. Heather Goldminc is the Artist who designed this House Full of Ghosts. It's part of the Blue Sky Clayworks Collection. I also have about 6 smaller ghosts from this collection and I placed them around the house.

We put this large inflatable Tigger in our Yard every year. Last year someone tried to steal it ~ so I'm waiting until much closer to Halloween before we set it up. It's Tigger in his Vampire Costume and it lights up ~ so scary!!!

Saturday, October 17, 2009
Cinnamon Sticks Giveaway ~ Day 2
It's starting to look a lot like Christmas ~ so you know what that means. The 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway over on Canela's Blog (Cinnamon Sticks) has started and today is Day 2. Each day Canela features a different Artist/Designer and has a "small" Giveaway. Then on the 12th Day ~ there is a HUGE Giveaway with 12 Gifts. Hop right over here to read all about her Fabulous Giveaway.
You'll also want to see all of the lovely jewelry that Canela makes and has available in her Etsy Shop ~ Cinnamon Sticks. It's not too early to think about Christmas gifts and Canela's designs are so popular ~ you need to shop early and often.

The Artist featured today on Canela's Blog is Rita of Mammabellarte. Wait until you see the lovely Necklace that Rita is offering for the HUGE Giveaway on the 12th Day of Christmas. Hop on over to the Cinnamon Sticks Boutique Blog to see it and enter to win today's giveaway ~ Pumpkin Butt Lip Balm or Cherry Frosting Lip Balm from Vintage Bella.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Cocoa Beach, Florida ~ 100 Years Ago

That's Margaret Mitchell Wallace and her son ~ George Wallace with their friends in the picture above. She was always referred to as "sweet Aunt Maggie" and was my Great-grandfather's Sister. Then ~ my great Aunt Margaret (my grandmother's Sister) was named after her...... Margaret Cameron Mitchell. Are you bored yet?
Just thought it interesting that I recently found this old picture of Cocoa Beach, Florida that was taken exactly 100 years ago. Of course ~ the Beach still looks exactly the same but haven't the clothing styles changed......
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Fujifilm Instax Camera Giveaway ~

Monday, October 12, 2009
Handmade Halloween Cards ~

Update as of 10/18/10 ~ Handmade Halloween Cards are available ~ just hop right over here!!!!
I'm going to make some Handmade Halloween Cards using the cute fabric above and the images below. Of course ~ I'll add glitter and ribbon ~ must remember that "less is more".

Beach Bunny is on a Field Trip with her School to Rollins College in Orlando and then Lunch and Shopping at the Mall at Millenia also in Orlando. I hope she gets to have Lunch at the Cheesecake Factory ~ it's my fav. This is a list of just a few of the Stores located at this Mall:
Louis Vuitton, Coach, Chanel, Gucci, Burberry, Brighton, Jimmy Choo, St. John, Tiffany & Co., Cartier, David Yurman, Juicy Courture, Salvatore Ferragamo, Tory Burch, Macy's, Bloomingdales, Neiman Marcus and the list goes on and on.
After looking at their website ~ I now know why Mr. Bunny never took me there. I should have volunteered to chaperone her Field Trip.

In Spite of ~ OR ~ Because of

I LOVE this picture of both of them when they were much younger. In the blink of an eye ~ they're 10 years older and now I have two teenagers. Neither one of them ever went through the terrible twos ~ they were saving it ALL up for the "terrible teens" stage.
My Mother has been telling me for Months these "pearls of wisdom" ~
"When your children are grown ~ you'll never know if they are happy and healthy, etc., in spite of ~ OR ~ because of something you said or did."
"Just do your best and make sure you do what's right each and every day ~ that's all you can do and pray ALOT."
So ~ last week we had tons of Drama with Beach Bunny. She was so far behind with her school work ~ since she had missed a week of school when she was sick. She was extremely discouraged and her solution was that she'd just drop out of school. *sigh* It was really difficult to remain calm when I was screaming inside. There is such a fine line between being encouraging and pushing your child too hard to the point they want to give up. I did make it clear to her that quitting was NOT an option ~ she just needed to do her best and work really hard. I really don't remember what I said ~ I was just trying really hard not to escalate the situation.
Fortunately for her, she's extremely smart and all of her Teachers are willing to help her get everything caught up. They also are giving her two weeks to make up the assignments and tests that she missed.
Thankfully ~ today was a great day for her at School and she's almost completely caught up with her makeup work. She turned in the English Paper that she worked on this weekend and got a really good grade on it. I'm hopeful that she'll eventually decide that she wants to attend College ~ after all.
I remembered that the Cosby Show had done an episode where Theo decides that he doesn't want to go to College. His Father then gives him a lesson in Economics. I found it on youtube and enjoyed watching it again after all of these years. I'll show it to Beach Bunny tomorrow ~ maybe she'll enjoy it and learn something.

This is Beach Bunny years ago with our pet Bunny ~ which ran away after about a week. She was the only one that the Bunny would go near and this is the only picture we have of our (mean) little Bunny. My girls both want to get another Bunny ~ but I prefer Bunnies/Pets that don't make a mess.
There are just countless reasons why they should give a more detailed "instruction manual" when you leave the Hospital with a newborn. I had more guidance and instructions with my new car. AND my new Washing Machine ~ I couldn't even operate it until I read the Manual and watched the lengthy Video.
I'll continue to pray and maybe I'll find some books at the Library that can offer some advice. For now, I'm just counting all of my many blessings ~ especially my two Sweet Teenage Bunnies.

Sunday, October 11, 2009
H1N1 and Bunny takes a Tumble Down the Stairs
Baby Bunny (who's almost 13) has tested positive for H1N1 or Swine Flu and has been sick all weekend. It's been a rather mild case of the flu ~ well except for the high fever and the fact that she passed out and fell down the stairs this morning!!
I thought that she was doing much better this morning and was even contemplating going to Church. It's such a blessing that I decided not to leave her alone ~ since I would have been at Church when she fell. She was going up the stairs ~ got over half way up and started feeling dizzy. I was on my way to help her and got to the top of the stairs just in time to watch her fall backward down about 8 steps. It was awful to watch her fall down the stairs ~ just like a rag doll. She had blacked out so she didn't tense up and try to catch herself. Luckily ~ she's fine and only has a few bruises on her arm, hip and left side of her face. She was only "out" about a minute ~ but it felt like 20 minutes. We'll have a follow up at the Doctor's office in a few days ~ but she's feeling much better.

My friend from Church took these great pictures ~ thanks Peggy!! Her daughter was playing on the other team.

I can remember my Grandmother having us practice our posture with books on our heads, our handwriting, work on our table manners and other various elements of etiquette almost every Saturday afternoon. Of course that was before the internet or the availability of 900 TV channels. I found my Grandmother's Etiquette Books ~ 3 Volumes actually which were written in 1921. I'll have to scan some of the pages and post them here on my Blog ~ they're really very interesting. "Courting" was sooooooooo different back then and if you went to a Bachelor's Apartment for Afternoon Tea ~ you HAD to be accompanied by a Chaperon.
The following is a short excerpt from The Book of Etiquette by Lillian Eichler:
"The rewards of etiquette are too numerous to recount.......... If you study the rules of good conduct, and follow good form in everything you do and say, you will become courteous and kind and well-mannered. Etiquette will attract people to you, make you and your home a center of social activity. But most of all, it will make you respect yourself. And that is more important than riches or fame ~ for self-respect is the only thing that brings true happiness."
"Etiquette is an art ~ the art of doing and saying the correct thing at the correct time ~ the art of being able to hold oneself always in hand, no matter how exacting the circumstances. And like music or painting or writing, the more you study it, the more you apply yourself to its principles, the more perfectly your own character is molded."
More to come.....
"When to Bow in Public" ~ "How to Raise the Hat" ~ "The Eccentric Dresser" ~ "The Charm of Correct Speech" ~ "Automobile Etiquette" ~ "Gaudiness Versus Good Taste" ~ "Calling Cards"

Thursday, October 8, 2009
Save the Date 4 Cupids Charm Giveaway ~

Carnival Glass Iridescent Oval Bowl

Sunday, October 4, 2009
Painting with hand painted Roses ~

Saturday, October 3, 2009
Brahmin Handbags and 365 Days of Handbags~ 2010

Speaking of Handbags and discontinued items ~ Brahmin has discontinued my Toasted Almond Backpack (pictured above). I've only used it once and was seriously considering selling it on Ebay. Now that it's discontinued ~ I don't think I can part with it.

I think it's such a Gorgeous Backpack and looks so Chic ~ even if it wasn't featured in the 365 Days of Handbags Calendar.

These leather roses are available in SEVEN different colors ~ black, red, pecan, grape, taupe, khaki and truffle. Hop right over here to the Brahmin website.

AND ~ it's so thin.