The extremely talented Natasha Burns made another Bunny Sign for me. I'm sure you remember the Fabulous Bunny sign that she made for the front door of our "Parker Cottage". I usually buy EVERYTHING by twos~ as in "they entered the Ark two by two". Yes, I have been self-diagnosed with "Noah's Ark Syndrome" and always buy things in twos ~ especially if there is a 50% off sale. Even if I didn't have this affliction ~ I would still have bought two of these Gorgeous bunny signs. I'm so thrilled with the way they both turned out!! Aren't these les lapins absolutely adorable??

Here's a close-up of one of the bunnies and just look at those lovely rosebuds.......

I L♥ve these sweet bunnies, the pink roses and the pink/green color combination...... it's really the PERFECT sign ~ don't you agree??

I'm not sure that I'll hang this one on our back door like I had envisioned .... maybe somewhere inside our Cottage.
This is what an authentic Brioche (expensive, funny shaped, yellow, eggy bun) looks like ~

I'm not sure that I'll hang this one on our back door like I had envisioned .... maybe somewhere inside our Cottage.

So, now Researchers are saying that Marie Antoinette wasn't the member of Royalty who said "Let them eat Cake". It was actually said 100 years before her by Marie-Therese, the wife of Louis XIV. "It was a callous and ignorant statement and she [Marie Antoinette] was neither."
The attribution is doubly erroneous in English, truth be known, because the word "cake" is a mistranslation. In the original French the alleged quote reads, "Qu'ils mangent de la brioche," which means, literally, "Let them eat rich, expensive, funny-shaped, yellow, eggy buns."

AND ~ this is the ultra-glamorous Marie Antoinette Journal that Natasha of Artistic Creations by Natasha Burns designed for me. It is truly a work of art and I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!

Don't forget to check out the Sweet Six Studio Blog and sign up for the Online Art Retreat. This Event is available online for the month of September thru October, 2008. They've posted the instructions for the fabric flower pin (pictured above) and you can even purchase the kit with all the supplies that you'll need. It's extremely doable and looks like it is going to be TONS of fun to make!! Just imagine all of the different places you could use one of these lovely fabric flowers.
Jayne!! I hope this Hurricane goes past with little to no damage. How scary! I really do prefer our earthquakes with no warning to waiting and watching and stressing!
Your new bunny sign is adorable!
Hugs Canela
So glad you like your goodies! They're packed and ready to head on their way to you in the morning! xo
Hi Jayne! Ooooh I love your Marie Antoinette journal!!! It's beautiful!! Please come visit my blog when you get a chance to see the post I did this evening about Marie Antoinette and a special Soiree party invite with lots more Marie Antoinette information. If you are a Marie fan, I am sure you will love it!! ~ xoxo ~ Joy
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