I can see the fingerprints of God
When I look at you
I can see the fingerprints of God
And I know its true
You're a masterpiece
That all creation quietly applauds
And you're covered with the fingerprints of God
So look around you and see where YOU can see God's fingerprints. Is it in Nature? Kids? Animals? Where do you see them?
Then hop on over to Pampering Beki's Blog ~ she's the Fabulous Hostess for this inspirational event!!
Baby Bunny informed us the other night at Dinner that she doesn't like her Blog name. So, we all sat around the Dinner Table and started brainstorming....... how about ~ Princess Bunny, Le Lapin Lauren, Brave Bunny, Bright eyed Bunny, etc. I can certainly understand that she doesn't want to be called baby anything ~ especially since she's almost 12. However, she'll always be my little baby.....
After she listened to us tossing bunny names around ~ she then announced that she didn't like the Bunny part of her Blog Name. There was an audible GASP from everyone ~ okay so I was the only one that gasped. In fact, she doesn't even want to be mentioned on my Blog. I wonder if she would mind being featured as my posting for Fingerprint Friday........
Well, at least Mr. Bunny loves his Blog name. *wink* *wink* Don't worry ~ I can say anything I want to about him ~ he never reads my Blog. He's too busy working so that I can stay home and work on my Blog and Shop..... I mean cook and clean the Burrow.Our 16 year old is definitely going to be referred to as "Princess Bunny" from now on. As for Baby Bunny ~ I'll think of the perfect name for her eventually. This morning she was Sleepy Bunny and then quickly became Grumpy Bunny.
Regardless of their Blog names ~ both of my little bunnies bring me constant joy and are true blessings from God. I L♥VE them now and forever ~ to the moon and back.

She's a beautiful young lady :) You are truly blessed!
Aw! She's so sweet. :) Our little baby's are forever our babies and really.. there is not anything they can do about that. ;) lol
Hahaha!!! That is too cute Jayne!!
She's beautiful.
It's a beautiful girl.
Children are a blessing from God.
Lindo weekend
Too cute!
Our baby will be 12 next Saturday - where does the time go?!!
Have a wonderful weekend.
Love this story. Where does the time go, eh? Thanks for sharing. And thanks for those Talbot links too girl. LOVE THEM!
Hugs, Angie Seaman
Sorry it took me so long to get here..
I think she is beautiful..and I say.."Adorable Bunny"..wonderful smile and all around beauty..
Happy Sunday..
Oh Jayne...this is just too funny!! So the rebellion starts already at 12 huh??? GREAT! I don't have that many years left.......
On the UP side, she is GOGEOUS!!!!
Oh Jayne, she's too precious! My baby is almost at that point so I am enjoying every moment she is still willing to spend with mommy!
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