I'm still having Computer issues ~ which I won't bore you with and I've been watching a lot of News on TV. So, between those two downers ~ I've got a bad case of the Blues!! Next week I'm going to be focusing on my website ~ I have TONS of new Fabulous products to list and I might even list a few items on Ebay.
Pottery Barn Kids is featuring Beatrix Potter products this Year for their Easter line. These are the adorable placemats that are now available on their website.

They also have a set of four dinner plates with different scenes and lovely Linen Napkins.
So, today I've been repeating this quote by Beatrix Potter...
Believe there is a great power silently working all things for good, behave yourself and never mind the rest.
Beatrix Potter

They also have a set of four dinner plates with different scenes and lovely Linen Napkins.

I was so excited when Google had this icon for Beatrix Potter's Birthday back in July. I meant to do a little Blog Posting about it back in July ~ guess you now know exactly how far behind I am with my "To Do" List........
Does anybody else have things on their list that are 6 months old? Will I EVER get caught up? Okay ~ I know the answer to that..... yet another reason that I'm Blue!!
So, today I've been repeating this quote by Beatrix Potter...
Believe there is a great power silently working all things for good, behave yourself and never mind the rest.
Beatrix Potter

AND ~ these are so cute!!! I LOVE this sweet little Bunny House and the Car Basket.... too Cute!! I might even like the car better than the Bunny shaped Basket. Hop right over to Pottery Barn Kids for these Easter Baskets.