Friday, October 24, 2008

Sick and Tired ~

Well ~ I'm so sick and tired of being sick and tired!! I've been in bed with a terrible cold and fever for over a week now. Although I didn't have time to get sick and it certainly wasn't on my Agenda ~ I still spent my whole week in bed. On the first day that I didn't feel good ~ I decided to allow myself to just rest all day ~ so that I would be completely well the next day. Well, 1 day turned into 6 and after 6 days of complete rest ~ I'm thrilled to report that today my head is no longer full of fluff!! I'm even talking in complete sentences again.

At one point during my convalescence last week ~ I had envisioned myself tackling my stack of magazines and books. However, if I'm sick enough to be in bed ~ then I'm too sick to read or even flip through some magazines. Of course ~ now I have so many things that need attention ~ sorting through my magazines is at the very bottom of my "To Do" List.

You probably know by now how much I LOVE Cary Grant. This Video is from You Tube and it's a few of his Movie clips to the Peggy Lee Song ~ Fever. It's not the same type of Fever that I had, but I really enjoyed watching it. I couldn't read this last week ~ but I certainly watched alot of YouTube Videos on the laptop.

Both of my Bunnies and Grandmother Rabbit were so compassionate and took really great care of me ~ since Mr. Bunny was out of town this last week. Thankfully ~ Princess Bunny is driving now ~ so she loved grocery shopping with my debit card. I KNOW ~ can you believe I gave her my debit card ~ but I was desperate.

I was wondering what I would have done if my little Bunnies were toddlers ~ would I have spent the week in bed? Were they actually "enablers" and maybe I did take advantage of their willingness to "be in charge" of the household duties. I've known for years now that I do way too much for them and I'm not doing them any favors by not giving them more responsibilities.

I've really missed Blogging and I'm happy to be back. I have tons of things to post ~ including a Fabulous and Fun Award that I received from Heidi. Hopefully ~ I'll get a few postings done tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Oh you poor sweet bunny Jayne...get well soon dear! I can't wait to see your well deserved award!
Bunny Hugs to you,
hoganfe handmade
handbag originals

Jorgelina said...

I am glad much that this best one of its grip.
Luckily it had the company of its rabbits.
Cary Grant a seducer for all time.
Pretty weekend.

Me alegro mucho que este mejor de su gripe.
Por suerte tuvo la compaƱia de sus conejos.
Cary Grant un seductor de todos los tiempos.
Lindo fin de semana

Heidi Zawisza said...

Hey girl! Glad your feeling better and are out of bed! Yay!
I've missed you:(